Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tokyo is safe

There has been lot of misinformation spreading in and outside Japan.

People who are already afraid and want to justify their fears are simply looking for reasons to support their beliefs and calling on so called conspiracies to hide the facts from people. Recently some of the people around me became illogical enough to claim that Fukushima nuclear waste is being treated in Tokyo.

To stay or to leave is individual decision. Just let it be an informed one not a *contracted* one.

Independent Geiger counter readings from across the Japan:

Data from government labs taking daily readings on fallout and water radiation levels:

Updates from IAEA:

By the way, before you decide that you are taking too much radiation (which you are not if you are outside Fukushima prefecture) consider following.

  • Anywhere on earth, there is a constant  radiation called as natural background radiation. It differs from place to place. My home country has a place called Kerla where radiation is higher than even Fukushima surroundings. Japan is among those places where natural radiation is half of global average. So you are taking less radiation anyway by living here.
  • Even in your daily life if you use old PC monitors, if you have a smoke detector right above your head where you work, if you work in hospitals, labs or near electronics shop you take high radiation anyway.
  • If you smoke, drink too much, follow a unhealthy life style you may as well lose one of these habits and still able to avoid *ill* effects of this radiation whatsoever.
  • Despite all this if you decide to leave, consider where you are going. If the place you are going has more natural pollution, social or economic factors causing overall health degradation then you are achieving nothing.
Again, Tokyo is safe from radiation and the situation is not worsening. So spread the correct information not the fear.